Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Ryan and Havalah Reception

Here is Havalah getting a spoon of cake and putting it into Ryan's mouth. Ryan is my Mommy's good friend from when she was little.
Here is all of Ryan's brothers and sisters and their wives and husbands singing a song for them that they made. They are my Mommy's friends too and my Daddys and my Aunts and my Uncle Camrons.
Here is my Uncle Camron holding Natalie and walking away and Natalie holding her bear that she carries around pretty much everywhere. She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a picture of me and my brother. I am in my fancy new dress and my brother is in his new outfit. My Daddy took me shopping to get that dress the DAY THAT I WENT THERE!!!! My dad curled my hair but you cannot recognize that he curled my hair because the curls faded away while I was having fun. And trust me, I can prove it. Sometime I'll show you. Write back soon!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No serious, WRITE BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE.
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3 friends read my blog and said something!!:

Jettster said...

Love your party dress...and your brother is looking quite handsome too...

I'm like you...still looking for my curls too... :P

Uncle John

Anonymous said...

i bet you had a fun time!

Katelynne said...

oh yeah that was fun !