Friday, December 25, 2009

My school classrooms christmas party

Our christmas party was a lot of fun , thanks to
our homeroom mom Tracy Read . It included,
people christmas tree wrapping ,word games,
letter making, making a trail mix , with popcorn
marshmellows, m&ms and such . we also did
snowflake making,and had cookies to eat .

In the picture above I am showing you the fun
word game I got to do
This is my friend Audrey and I making
our snowflakes.that was so much fun,
we took 10 of those small(mini) pipe
cleaners ,then took 1 away ,wraped it
around the other 9 ,then just twisted
to make a snowflake . Iused my snow-
flake as an orderment on my familys

These are some yummy cookies ,but thats
just what I heard. Mr.Loftis ate all of them,
so i did not get to try a single one.But thats
ok beacause I have my mom to cook me
even more cookies .

These are some yummy but
filling pure choclote "Texas
snowmen", that me and my mom
decided to make for my friends
at school. Yummy!

2 friends read my blog and said something!!:

Jeannie said...

Making those melted snowman together was so fun! I'm glad you had fun at your classroom party too. Love, Mommy

Corbett Family said...

Joey loved his Texas snowman, thanks for sharing one with him.